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What is FloxHub?

FloxHub is a cloud service that enables you to share your Flox environments.

Account creation in FloxHub

When signing up for a FloxHub account, we will automatically use your GitHub username as the FloxHub account name.

When you flox push an environment to FloxHub, you will be prompted to create an account. You can return to FloxHub to view your environments any time at

Authenticating with the CLI

You can authenticate with FloxHub from the Flox CLI. Run flox auth login and follow the on-screen instructions.

Working with Environments in FloxHub

Environment page

The FloxHub Environment page allows you to browse all the environments you have shared with flox push.

You can also:

  • Search for environments by name.
  • Filter for compatible system types.

Once you have found an environment that interests you, you can:

  • Open the Environment Details page for the selected environment by clicking on the environment name.
  • Use the Share button to copy CLI sharing commands pre-populated with the environment name.
  • Use the Delete button to delete the environment from FloxHub.
  • Use the Generations shortcut button to jump into the generations tab of the Environment Detail page.

Environment Detail page

The FloxHub Environment Detail page lets you verify the contents of your environment and view its history in FloxHub.

  • Sidebar: shows key facts about the environment's current generation, like the number of packages, the systems supported, the active generation, and the last modified date. Below the key facts is a shortcut to the CLI sharing commands.
  • Current generation tab: shows you packages that are in your environment's manifest. If your package was installed with a semantic version requirement, that information will show on the right side.
  • Generation tab: shows you the history of your environment through each generation. Each new flox push creates a new generation.
  • Change log tab: describes the updates between each generation. Packages that were installed with flox install and uninstalled with flox uninstall will be explicitly marked. Packages that were added manually in a text editor or with flox edit will show as "Manually edited".
  • Settings tab: displays key information about your environment, like the owner and its name.

Referring to FloxHub environments

When referring to FloxHub environments to perform remote operations in the CLI, you'll refer to the environment owner's account name, a forward slash /, and the environment name. Many commands use this syntax, such as those that accept a --remote option, and some commands such as flox pull that implicitly refer to an environment on FloxHub.

$ flox pull example-owner/example-env

Logging out of FloxHub

Logging out in the web application

  • Select the portrait in the upper-right corner of the screen
  • Select Log out in the menu

Logging out in the CLI

Run the flox auth logout command.